Keeping pace with the frenetic movement of the IT industry is challenging, considering landing on the wrong side of the bell curve puts enterprises in a precarious situation. Chetu’s clients often voice concerns about operational lag stemming from their reliance on legacy software, and the pressure they are experiencing to expedite time to market. But if internal teams are not meeting the demands of an ever-changing IT landscape what are companies to do?
For clients who already have a capable team and the infrastructure in place to oversee the core of project development, Chetu recommends an augmentation based approach. Most of the time, project flow is disrupted because of a specific resource deficit and bandwidth; a client needs an Objective-C specialist or Delphi wizard. In a scenario where the gap in bandwidth is contained and identifiable, augmentation provides the missing link. Chetu’s augmentation clients leverage our services in an on-demand capacity, procuring a developer (or group of developers) who have the skillset plus bandwidth your in-house team lacks.
The Benefits of Chetu’s Staff Augmentation Services
There are some inherent benefits to choosing Chetu’s augmentation model over a project based execution:
The most compelling argument for augmentation is scalability, clients can keep their core development in-house and only take on the resources they need for a finite length of time. We let our clients decide when it is time to pivot and when it is time to be aggressive; our engineers are simply temporary additions to their toolbox.
Skip the Onboarding Process
Filling positions in-house requires benefits / salaries, training, and onboarding procedures that delay time to market significantly. In augmentation cases, Chetu’s engineers adopt a task-based approach hitting the ground running to identify areas to give you the quickest return on investment.
A Myriad of Expertise
It is hard to find programmers with proficiency in one language let alone finding one that is an expert in multiple technologies. Working with Chetu gives you access to a resource pool with experts who are adept at every language and technology under the sun. This makes Chetu a one-stop-shop technology solutions provide. We have experts in a myriad of programming languages. These include:
Satisfy Your Business Objectives
Chetu attacks tasks with an unparalleled tenacity, seeing them through to delivery and testing. Chetu’s augmentation allows proprietors to complete projects that have been carrying on for too long or reached a technological bottleneck. Chetu is results-oriented, and values efficiency so there is no wasted time or resource.